May 8, 2020

Believers Band,

I have missed seeing all of you!! I hope that everyone has been safe and secure in your
homes warding off the Covid-19 Virus.

The Methodist bishop and cabinet of the North Georgia Conference Churches, after
talking with medical experts and reviewing data, are asking all churches “not to gather
before June 22, 2020.”

Since the Church is closed, all activities are either postponed or cancelled for the time
being. I am sorry to announce that the Patriotic Concert won’t happen this year. John
LaForge and I spoke at length recently about how we might reschedule it, but given the
events already on the church calendar between July and December, we decided it
would be best to cancel this year’s concert and set our sights on next year’s new and
improved Patriotic Concert.

I would like to invite you to a Zoom meeting/get together on Tuesday, May 12th , at
6:00pm. I thought that it would be nice to see each other! We can visit, check on how
everyone is doing and pray with and for each other. The link is

I hope you have a wonderful, safe summer. I miss being with you and playing beautiful
music together.

Sincerely yours,