Mar 25, 2019
Dear Band: What an awesomeconcert!! You really played well! It is time to start on our next concert: The Believers Band Goes to the Beach!! The following music is now
Dear Band: What an awesomeconcert!! You really played well! It is time to start on our next concert: The Believers Band Goes to the Beach!! The following music is now
Outstanding concert, band. Let’s take a well deserved day off from practice Tuesday and come back on March 26th refreshed and ready to tackle another concert. I hear it’s a
Dear Band: Thank you for a great wonderful rehearsal yesterday! Dress for the concert is festive GREEN. This is the order for the concert: 533 The Star Spangled Banner 699
Dear Band: It will be great to be in the sanctuary on Tuesday. It sounds different than in the choir room. We need to play confidently like we do in the
Dear Band: Thanks for a super rehearsal last Tuesday. I think that things are coming together for the concert. Please see the following video sent to me by Betty Foster.
Dear Band: This Tuesday we will start in the following sectionals: Woodwinds – Room N-110 Brass – Room N-119 Percussion – Choir Room – They will start at 5:30pm –
Dear Band, We’ll start in sectionals; woodwinds the room across from the handbells N-10; brass in room N-19 and percussion will be in the choir room. Percussion starts at 5:30.
Dear Band, Parker has added a new piece of music to the Believers Band website. Please print #705, The Blessing, and bring it to rehearsal next week. Jill for
Dear Band: I wanted to give you an update on the developing weather situation. As of today, Monday, we ARE planning to have our regular schedule rehearsal tomorrow, Tuesday, at
Dear Band: Thanks for a productive rehearsal on Tuesday. It was so nice to see everyone!! The following music is now on the Believers Band website: 439 – Under